May 2019: Reasons to Avoid Index Funds| Life at Dimensional with Dave Butler and more

+ A contrarian argues against building wealth and creating income through dividend stocks [Globe and Mail] Ben shares his opinion on using dividends as an investment strategy and why that shouldn't be part of your plan.

+ When You’ll Believe Anything [Collaborative Fund] Everyone has to believe something and in the right circumstances they’ll believe anything. A quick read on how our incentives impact our reasoning.

+ Episode 43: Life at Dimensional: The Constant Pursuit with Dave Butler [52:56]

On the show today we welcome Dave Butler, who is now the co-CEO of Dimensional Fund Advisors. We have a great conversation about a wide range of topics from the beginnings of the firm, to his earliest involvement, how he was nearly in the NBA and the importance of trust and family.

Dave takes us on a personal and professional journey in science-based investing, who his biggest influences and mentors are and how he found the path of fiducial advice after a few different careers early on.

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Reasons To Avoid Index Funds

Most of you watching these videos are already fully on board with the idea that index investing makes sense, while stock picking and actively managed funds should be avoided like the plague. Most Canadians are, apparently, not on board with that idea. As of the end of 2018, only 11.5% of Canadian investment fund assets, that is mutual fund and ETF assets domiciled in Canada, were invested in index funds.

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Cameron & Ben