Rational Reminder General Discussion
Our Discussion page has moved! Archived conversations will remain here. Visit the Rational Reminder Community for new discussions.
This is one long unorganized discussion, but Ctrl + F works surprisingly well to find a specific topic that has been discussed in the past.
The Rational Reminder is presented as an educational resource for Canadians and should not be construed as individualized investment advice, nor as a recommendation to buy or sell specific securities. The funds and portfolios discussed are examples only and may not be appropriate for your individual circumstances.
The conversations taking place on this discussion board should be viewed as opinions being shared by users. These opinions should not be construed as personal investment advice. Please speak to an Investment Advisor or other registered financial professional to find the right investment plan for your individual needs.
This discussion board is moderated on a continuing basis. Posts that are deemed harmful or unfit will be removed without prior notification.